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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - soon


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~ adv 1 in a short time from now, or a short time after something else happens  (It will be dark soon. | David arrived back from Paris sooner than I expected. | They wanted to climb to the top, but they soon abandoned this idea.) + after  (Paula was pregnant soon after their honeymoon. | how soon (=how quickly))  (How soon can you finish the report? | as soon as possible (=as quickly as possible))  (Try and get the car fixed as soon as possible. | as soon as you can)  (I'll come over to your place as soon as I can. | all too soon (=much sooner than you would like))  (Children grow up all too soon. | the sooner the better (=used to say that it is important that something should happen very soon))  (The sooner you answer Jack's letter the better. | the sooner ... the sooner (=used to say that if something happens soon, then something that you want will happen soon afterwards))  (The sooner I get this work done, the sooner I can go home.) 2 as soon as immediately after something has happened  (I came as soon as I heard the news.) 3 no sooner had ... than used to say that something happened almost immediately after something else  (No sooner had he sat down than the phone rang.) 4 no sooner said than done used to say that you will do something immediately 5 sooner or later used to say that something is certain to happen at some in the future, though you cannot be sure exactly when  (She's bound to find out sooner or later.) 6 not a moment too soon/none too soon almost too late, and when you thought that something was not going to happen in time  ("The doctor's here!" "And not a moment too soon!") 7 would sooner do sth if you would sooner do something, you would much prefer to do it, especially instead of something that seems unpleasant  (I'd sooner die than marry you!) 8 would (just) as soon used to say that you would prefer to do something or would prefer something to happen  (I'd just as soon you didn't drive the car while I'm gone.)
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  (sooner, soonest) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If something is going to happen soon, it will happen after a short time. If something happened soon after a particular time or event, it happened a short time after it. You’ll be hearing from us very soon... This chance has come sooner than I expected... The plane was returning to the airport soon after takeoff when it burst into flames... Soon afterwards he separated from his wife. ADV: ADV with v, ADV after n/cl, ADV afterwards 2. If you say that something happens as soon as something else happens, you mean that it happens immediately after the other thing. As soon as relations improve they will be allowed to go... You’ll never guess what happened as soon as I left my room. PHRASE 3. If you say that you would just as soon do something or you’d just as soon do it, you mean that you would prefer to do it. These people could afford to retire to Florida but they’d just as soon stay put... I’d just as soon not have to make this public... I’d just as soon you put that thing away... She’d just as soon throw your plate in your face as serve you. PHRASE: MODAL inf, MODAL not inf, MODAL that, MODAL inf as inf ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   adverb  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Old English sona; akin to Old High German san immediately  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. obsolete at once ; immediately  b. without undue time lapse ; before long ~ after sunrise  2. in a prompt manner ; speedily as ~ as possible the ~er the better no ~er said than done  3. archaic before the usual time  4. in agreement with one's choice or preference ; willingly I'd just as ~ walk as drive ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adv. 1 after no long interval of time (shall soon know the result). 2 relatively early (must you go so soon?). 3 (prec. by how) early (with relative rather than distinctive sense) (how soon will it be ready?). 4 readily or willingly (in expressing choice or preference: which would you sooner do?; would as soon stay behind). Phrases and idioms as (or so) soon as (implying a causal or temporal connection) at the moment that; not later than; as early as (came as soon as I heard about it; disappears as soon as it's time to pay). no sooner ... than at the very moment that (we no sooner arrived than the rain stopped). sooner or later at some future time; eventually. Derivatives soonish adv. Etymology: OE sona f. WG ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. скоро, вскоре pretty soon —- довольно скоро come again soon —- приходите поскорее опять it is cold here in the morning but it soon warms up —- по утрам здесь холодно, но потом быстро теплеет how soon can you come back? —- когда (как скоро) вы вернетесь? we had no sooner come than she burst into tears —- не успели мы прийти, как она расплакалась 2. рано you spoke about it too soon —- вы слишком рано (преждевременно) заговорили об этом the sooner the better —- чем раньше, тем лучше sooner or later —- рано или поздно, когда-нибудь, в конце концов let us leave soon —- давайте уйдем пораньше I can get there in two days at the soonest —- я смогу добраться туда не раньше чем за два дня 3. охотно, с готовностью I would just as soon stay at home —- я бы охотно остался дома which would you soonest do? —- что бы вы предпочли сделать? I'd sooner walk than drive —- я лучше пойду пешком (а не поеду) sooner than give in I would rather die —- я умру, но не сдамся 4. в сочетаниях (см. примеры) as soon as, so soon as —- как только I'll come as soon as I can —- я приду как только смогу he got married as soon as he graduated —- он женился сразу после окончания вуза as soon as possible —- как можно скорее Id: as soon as not —- столь же вероятно; скорее да, чем нет Id: no sooner said than done —- сказано - сделано ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  adv.  1) скоро, вскоре; быстро; as soon as - как только, не позже; do it as soon as possible - сделайте это как можно быстрее; so soon as (ever) - как только; no sooner than - как только; he had no sooner got well than he fell ill again - не успел он выздороветь, как снова заболел  2) рано; if we come too soon well have to wait - если мы придем слишком рано, нам придется ждать; the sooner, the better - чем раньше, тем лучше; sooner or later - рано или поздно, в конце концов; its too soon to tell whats the matter with him - сейчас еще трудно сказать, что с ним  3) охотно; I would just as soon not go there - я охотно не пошел бы туда совсем ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ocean sc. abbr. Solar Observing Optical Network ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. sona "at once, immediately," from W.Gmc. sжno. Sense shifted to "within a short time" through human nature (cf. anon). Amer.Eng. Sooner for "Oklahoma native" is 1930, from the fact that in 1889 many settlers of the territory snuck onto public land and staked their claims "sooner" than the legal date and time. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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